Auto Loans
Low auto rates and flexible terms
Enjoy low rates and flexible terms on your auto loan
A woman and a man are in a car, smiling and laughing.
Apply for an auto loan with Liberty FCU and enjoy low rates, flexible terms, and a 1/4% APR discount with select checking accounts!
A woman is holding a cell phone and smiling.

Pay your bill online

Our members can pay their bills anytime, anywhere

A woman in a white sweater is driving a car.

Wide variety of new and used auto loans

Find the right auto loan for your needs

A white car is parked in a garage.

Receive your free CARFAX

Avoid a costly mistake with a free accident report from CARFAX and Liberty FCU

Why you should choose LIberty FCU for your next auto loan:
A person holding a cell phone and a credit card.
Get started on your new auto loan today

*APR is the Annual Percentage Rate. APR, loan terms, monthly payments and savings shown are estimated, and are based on your credit profile. All loans are subject to credit approval.