May 20, 2022
Data Security
Don't Fall Victim to These Scams in 2022

Cryptocurrency Scams

Scammers will use a variety of methods to try to steal your money and one of those ways is by making use of one of the newest forms of currency… cryptocurrency. While cryptocurrency is used legitimately by many people every day, scammers also like to ask that you pay them with this currency when trying to scam you. If you fall for a scam where you are instructed to send cryptocurrency, the money is generally gone and cannot be traced… just as it is when you give cash to someone. So as with cash, consider why you are sending money, does it make sense to send money and who the person really is on the other end. If you met them online and they are asking you to send cryptocurrency or they are threatening you with arrest or other harm, contact your financial institution and/or law enforcement before you fall victim to a scam.

Law Enforcement Scams

Across the country unsuspecting individuals have been receiving phone calls claiming that a loved one is in serious legal trouble, they are in jail or going to be arrested. At times they may even say that they have found an abandoned vehicle in a field that could be linked with a serious crime and that it has your license and social security card inside. In either case, they want you to divulge your private information so they can steal your identity and they want you to send money to avoid arrest or get a loved one out of jail. They will request gift cards, cryptocurrency and even cash be sent, or else you or a family member will be in serious trouble. Again, contact your financial institution and/or law enforcement to verify the validity of the claims and avoid becoming a victim.

Apple, Amazon and Similar Scams

Victims of this scam will often receive a phone call or email that states they have a fraudulent charge to a merchant and they need to help facilitate a refund or prevent the charge altogether. This often leads to them requesting your debit/credit card data, online banking information and even requesting access to your phone or computer! Never give out your card information when you are uncertain who you are speaking with and never allow someone to remote into your computer. Allowing access to your devices can lead to malware being installed, which can compromise your online banking security. It is usually best to ignore such emails and hang up on those calls. The best way to protect yourself and your money would be to check your accounts online or by contacting your financial institution.

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