February 24, 2014
Data Security
New Security Threat Targets Apple Products

Apple has announced a security vulnerability that affects recent versions of operating systems for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod, as well as Mac OSX-based systems. This vulnerability, known as a "man in the middle" attack, allows an attacker to intercept, read, and change secure content you send and receive. For example, connecting to your banking information which would normally be securely encrypted can be compromised with this hack. Because of the way this hack is exploited, you are most vulnerable on wireless systems, and especially public wireless (e.g. Starbucks). Wired connections are vulnerable, but the hacker would need to be connected to the same wired network.  

We recommend that you stop accessing any secure content on these devices with wireless until the device has been patched, and do not connect to publicly accessible wired networks such as may be found in some hotel rooms. Apple has released a patch for their iOS 6 and 7 devices. If you have one of these, you should apply the patch immediately. You can install the patch by doing the following:

  • Go to your Settings icon
  • Select General
  • Tap on Software Update

Because of the potential size of your update, we recommend you are connected to WiFi and that your device is plugged in. (Note:  The Mac OSX patch had not been released as of February 24.)

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