April 27, 2020
Data Security
Text Message Scams

Financial institutions around the country have reported fraudulent text message schemes in the last several months. A fraudulent text message appears to be sent from a financial institution and asks the recipient to verify their account number or other personal information.If you receive a text message like this, please do not click any links or reply to the message. Liberty FCU will never ask for your personal information through use of text messaging.


  • You receive a text message saying that you have been approved for a loan from the credit union and asking you to complete the application process.
  • You receive a text message from somebody saying they are from Liberty FCU, asking you about recent activity on your account.
  • You are asked to confirm your account or personal details by responding to a text message.
  • The sender claims that fraudulent activity has been found on your account, or that your debit card has been cancelled.
  • You are advised to contact a fake fraud investigations body, and discouraged from contacting Liberty FCU.


  • Do not give out your personal, debit card or online account details over a text message.
  • Do not open suspicious or unsolicited text messages; delete them.
  • Do not click on any links in a spam text message.
  • Never call a telephone number that you see in a spam text message.
  • Never reply to a spam text message (even to unsubscribe).
  • Never send your personal, debit card or online account details through a text message.

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